Thursday, 11 October 2012

Smug too soon

I had been feeling slightly smug that I'd managed over a whole week of the Blogtoberfest challenge of a blog post a day. Some days, I even wrote two and scheduled one for the next day. This clever-clogs approach has led to my downfall, however as I thought I'd posted for yesterday but hadn't. Doh. Still, on we go. 
This post doesn't even include drawings because I spent more than one evening faffing around with bits of paper. In a desperate attempt to be organized I've made a start on decorations for Elaine's 1st birthday on the 31st.  (Yes, decorations for a one year old are ultimately pointless, but I feel strangely compelled). I made about 5 of these paper garlands (just strips of paper sewn together - thanks Pinterest!).
 I haven't actually gone for a African flag theme - the colour palette and animal shapes are shamelessly borrowed from a lovely picture book When I was born. The idea of using the book as a party these was in turned pinched from this website. There's no real new ideas in the world, is there? Except at Apple Corp. maybe.
The animals are going to be hung from ribbons - just tauntingly out of reach, ha, ha but I'll let her destroy everything at the end. I have laminated the animals though, so if any survive I can recycle them into a mobile for her room.


  1. I think any self respecting one year old would love this party theme! To have such a creative mommy who can borrow ideas so efficiently and colorfully is very lucky!
    Will other babies be in attendance? I can see sending a streamer home with each tiny guest to hang in their own room at home! Happy birthday Elaine!

    1. I think it's just going to be both sets of grandparents (and maybe various other relatives and neighbours popping by)but that would've been a good idea. Another idea to recycle for next year!

  2. Oooh I'd so want to be there on Nov 1st when she's allowed to destroy.... lol She's going to love it all :-) (day of and after)

    1. If it was purely destruction it wouldn't be so's the intense need to ingest nearly everything. Had several handfuls of dried lentils the other day. They turned up again in the nappy surprisingly quickly. Too much info?
