Friday, 25 January 2013

These boots are made for walking

My latest excuses for lack of activity here: Elaine had a cold, then I had a cold; I have a large backlog of sewing projects for 4 friends with new babies (all in December-February period...most inconsiderate...could they not have spaced their due dates to allow me more time to struggle with binding, bobbins and bumpy bits which require unpicking?). Oh and I got caught up in the first season of 'Prison Break' (yes, I am 7 years behind everyone else).
As the babe is now very much a toddler, my few completed sketchbook pages have been focused on footwear.


  1. Sorry you've both been snotty. Now that she's toddling, which extreme sport is daddy taking her on first? (I'm betting those boots will be awesome!)

    1. She's been on a sledge (I accidentally tipped her over at one point but she didn't seem too bothered!) but that's about it so far. We've started mother-toddler gymnastics though!

  2. Oh so sweet! She will adore these journals as a little girl, teen, and young woman with her own first born!

  3. Thank you Lynn and sorry it's taken me so long to reply.
