Friday, 23 November 2012

In the hospital

This drawing was done from a snap taken in the hospital about a month ago now. This was the morning after. Drip still attached to forehead but she'd got her appetite back. The brown thing in her hand is a bit of 'Breze' - bread pretzel - which she guzzled down. The drawing isn't great but it's representative in that she didn't look herself at that point - still dehydrated. All back to normal now, though :)


  1. Must have been so scary for you. I understand the drip placing, but still looks awful!! (Good sketch tho!) x

  2. Such a poignant sketch, Alison. So glad all is well now.
    How have you been since Blogtoberfest? I just wanted to let you know that I'm hosting another (albeit gentler and more introspective) blog challenge over the month of December called #reverb12.
    Would be so rapt if you joined us!
There's a little giveaway too. :-)

    Details here:

    Take care,

    Kat xxx
